By Margaret Flowers for Health Over Profit.

On the Fourth of July, the Maryland Health Care is a Human Right campaign marched in the State Capital parade. Wearing yellow T shirts with the message “Healthcare is a Human Right” on them, the group of a dozen or so people, myself included, held tall banners and signs and chanted “Everybody in, Nobody out. That’s what health care is all about.” and “Health care is a human right. Join us, join us in the fight.” A few people passed flyers out to the crowd along the way.

The response was tremendous. People cheered when they saw us. Parade watchers were eager to receive the flyers and know more about the campaign. It was clear that people are sick of the current healthcare debate and are looking for a solution that will solve the healthcare crisis.

Despite a weather forecast of no rain until late in the evening, the skies opened up with pouring rain as the healthcare contingent approached the final turn. Rather than dampening our enthusiasm, our energy picked up with the welcome respite from the heat. We chanted loudly through the final stretch for the stalwarts who stayed to watch.

The Maryland Health Care is a Human Right campaign is focused on building the movement for National Improved Medicare for All. We operate through county chapters, a leadership council composed of chapter leaders and working groups made up of members of multiple chapters. We have one full time staff person who focuses on chapter support, coordination, maintaining a blog and outreach. Read more about the campaign at

Please share what you are doing locally to build the movement for National Improved Medicare for All with us by emailing And enjoy the photos below!

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