Call the Budget Committee Today

We just found out there probably won’t be any witnesses called at the hearing this Wednesday, May 22. If you made the calls recommending Kip Sullivan and the others, it’s not a total loss. We’re certain we will need to be recommending them down the road at another hearing so it won’t hurt to have their names brought up more than once.

So what’s up now and how can we influence this hearing on Wednesday? The steering committee has combed through the CBO report, the subject of the hearing and feel there might be some stalling going on. The report was called for before. . . . just before Jayapal’s bill, HR1384 was submitted. They (not sure who) are acting like there isn’t a true single payer bill all ready to go. We know there is one though. It’s Rep. Jayapal’s bill, HR1384.

Our response:

The steering committee of HOPE has come up with a list of answers to the questions the current CBO report came up with. We have emailed a letter and the questions and answers to every one of the healthcare staffers for the Budget Committee Democrat Congressional members. We would like you to encourage them, with your calls, to use the answers we’ve prepared and stop stalling and acting like we don’t know how a single payer bill will work. 

How you can help:

Our script is below and
I’m attaching a PDF of all the Budget Committee member’s phone numbers and contact information here. 

Please print out the contact numbers and start calling. It’s easy, but since the hearing is on Wednesday, we have to hurry.
“Hi, my name is ____________and I’m calling you today about the Budget Committee – Medicare for All/Single payer hearing that is taking place this Wednesday, May 22, 2019.I understand that members of the HOPE, Health Over Profit for Everyone Steering Committee has presented all the Congressional members on the committee with a list of 18 answers to the18 questions posed within the CBO report that will be discussed during the hearing. These answers were based on the single payer bill Representative Pramilla Jayapal’s current bill – H.R. 1384.H.R. 1384 is an already established single payer bill that provides all the answers to the questions in the CBO report. There is no need to re-examine how a single payer bill should be designed because we already have a very good one. H.R. 1384 is a true single-payer bill that will cover everyone and all their health care needs. Please have Congressman ________________ focus on H.R. 1384 during the hearing!
Read the answers to the 18 questions raised by the CBO report here.

Read the letter to committee members below:
Thank you so much. Every single call can and will make a difference. If your Congressperson is on the committee, start with them. You can find all the names on the PDF just above the script.

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