Sanders Town Hall Twitter Storm

Tuesday, January 23, 2018 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm Eastern.

If you tweet, join us to spread the word that we need National Improved Medicare for All (NIMA).

Senator Sanders introduced S 1804: The Medicare for All Act, in September, 2017. During the Medicare for All Town Hall on January 23, he’ll discuss that bill and how a single payer healthcare system could work in the United States. This provides an opportunity for us to let Sanders know that his bill doesn’t go far enough.

Here is a hand out that explains the weaknesses: HR 676 v S 1804 HO

Check this page at 7:00 pm for a list of tweets that you can copy and paste or follow our hash tag #FixS1804.


Wondering what the differences are between #HR676 and #S1804? See this chart: #MedicareForAll #FixS1804 #MedicareForAllTownHall


Our #MedicareForAll must include Long Term Care or it won’t be universal – without long term care, people and their families are forced to live in poverty. We need to #FixS1804 #MedicareForAllTownHall #HR676


The United States is the only country that puts profits before patients. That’s why our #healthcare system is the most expensive. Tell @SenSanders to #FixS1804 – no for-profit providers. #MedicareForAllTownHall #HR676


When families have to pay out of pocket for #healthcare, it can force them to delay or go without care. Tell @SenSanders that co-pays hurt patients. #FixS1804 #MedicareForAllTownHall #HR676


We can’t delay #MedicareForAll when our current #healthcare system is killing our children. Tell @SenSanders to #FixS1804 by starting the full plan quickly, everybody in and nobody out all at once. #MedicareForAllTownHall #HR676


As health insurance premiums and out of pocket costs rise, more people are becoming uninsured. This is a death sentence for people with serious health problems. Tell your member of Congress, we need #MedicareForAll #HR676 now! #MedicareForAllTownHall


When profit is more important than people’s health, hospitals close in poor and rural areas. We need National Improved #MedicareForAll #HR676 NOW to stop closures. #MedicareForAllTownHall


For-profit Long Term Care facilities are hurting our seniors through low staffing and not having basic supplies. Tell @SenSanders to #FixS1804 – don’t leave our grandparents to the corporate vultures. #MedicareForAllTownHall #HR676


Unlike #HR676, which takes profit out of health care, #S1804 still allows investor-owned, PROFIT-DRIVEN facilities to operate. Money should pay for care, not corporate bonuses. #MedicareForAllTownHall #MedicareForAll #FixS1804


#HR676 gets rid of complicated paperwork that ties up doctors’ time and keeps them away from patients. #S1804 keeps unproven pay schemes. Tell @SenSanders to #FixS1804.
#MedicareForAllTownHall #MedicareForAll #FixS1804


#S1804’s complicated 4-year roll-out period isn’t fast enough for the millions who don’t have any insurance at all. #HR676 will enroll everyone within 2 years. #MedicareForAllTownHall #MedicareForAll #FixS1804


Do you want to keep paying co-pays before you can get health care? #S1804 requires co-pays for some medications while #HR676 has no co-pays, premiums, or deductibles. #MedicareForAllTownHall #MedicareForAll #FixS1804


Private health insurers are ripping off Medicare by cherry picking the healthy and charging more. Tell @SenSanders that Medicare ‘Advantage’ plans are a scam. #FixS1804 by removing them like #HR676 does. #MedicareForAllTownHall


People in the U.S. are dying younger because our complex #healthcare system is based on profit, not health. We can change that with National Improved #MedicareForAll #HR676. #MedicareForAllTownHall #FixS1804


The #ACA failed to dismantle gender-based barriers to #healthcare. That’s why we need National Improved #MedicareForAll #HR676 NOW! #MedicareForAllTownHall #FixS1804 #WomensMarch2018


When profits remain in our #healthcare system, workers pay for it through longer hours and worse working conditions. Tell @SenSanders to #FixS1804 – take the for-profit providers out. #MedicareForAllTownHall #HR676


We can’t call it #MedicareForAll if the millions of people who need long term care are left out. Tell @SenSanders to #FixS1804. #MedicareForAllTownHall #HR676


Support for National Improved #MedicareForAll is rising and there are bills in both the House and Senate. Will the US finally join the long list of countries that provide healthcare to everyone?
#MedicareForAllTownHall #HR676 #FixS1804


We’re excited about the #MedicareForAllTownHall because we need #MedicareForAll NOW. Thank @SenSanders and tell him to #FixS1804 by taking the for-profits out, like #HR676 does.

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