All-day protest draws attention to opioid crisis, ‘Medicare for All’

Liberal group makes rounds in lawmaker offices with personal stories By Chris Marquette for Roll Call On an early morning in May, Freddie Henderson III’s heart stopped from a fentanyl overdose, a story his sister Jasmine shared Wednesday in the office of Republican Sen. Rob Portman, as part of a larger push by progressive activists […]

How slick consulting firms get us on drugs

By Martha Rosenberg for Intrepid Report Ninety-one people a day die from opioids and 1,000 visit ERs in the US, according to the CDC. How did opioid makers get such a deathly grip on the US population? Recently, the New York Times reported that the global consulting firm McKinsey & Company had a big hand […]

Advisory council backs universal, single-payer pharmacare plan

H.O.P.E. NOTE: This article shows that nationalizing pharmaceutical coverage would save money in Canada, lowering overall costs by $5 billion per year and costs to patients. Canada has a population that is one-tenth the US population. Medicare for All in the US would include coverage for prescriptions and would also lower costs by negotiating for […]

Single-Payer Reform—“Medicare for All”

By Steffie Woolhandler, MD and David U. Himmelstein, MD for Jama Network The prospect of single-payer “Medicare-for-all” reform evokes enthusiasm and concern. Proponents maintain that a single-payer system would be the simplest route to universal coverage; every US resident would qualify for comprehensive insurance under a public, tax-financed plan that would replace private insurers, Medicaid, and Medicare. Others are […]

Doctors To Test AMA’s Opposition To Medicare For All

By Bruce Japsen for Forbes Some physicians from within the American Medical Association want the national doctors group to consider dropping its opposition to a single payer version of “Medicare for All.” The AMA’s stance on “Medicare for All” and other proposals to expand insurance coverage will be debated next month at the doctor group’s […]

Why I Got Arrested For #MedicareForAll

So many lives are lost every day to our broken health system. By Mary Gerisch for Common Dreams A few weeks ago I was in handcuffs, one of six People’s Action members arrested at Sen. Mitch McConnell’s office in Washington, D.C.. We engaged in a peaceful protest after we asked Mitch to step out of […]