Surprise medical bills, coronavirus and bad insurance: 3 arguments for Medicare for All

By Philip A. Verhoef for USA Today Congress is grappling with the problem of surprise medical bills, but will its Band-Aid approaches make a difference? As a physician, I’m trained to look beyond superficial symptoms to diagnose the underlying ailment. When patients pay thousands of dollars each year for “good” private insurance, how does a health care […]

Nashville emergency room sues 700 patients over unpaid bills

By Blake Farmer for The Associated Press Nashville General is the city-funded, safety-net hospital. For a patient without insurance, this is supposed to be the best place to go. But its emergency room has been taking more patients to court for unpaid medical bills than any other hospital or practice in town. A WPLN investigation […]

Medicare for all would save money — and lives

The last thing on your mind during a ride to the ER should be: Is this going to bankrupt me? By Negin Owliaei for Nation of Change One night a few years ago, my partner woke up delirious with fever, a bright rash, and joint pain so bad he couldn’t get out of bed without […]

The Nightmare of Medical Care in America

To be sick and not rich By Beverly Gologorsky for Common Dreams On this extremely hot summer day, the ear-splitting siren screaming through New York’s streets is coming from the ambulance I’m in — on a gurney on my way to the ER. That only makes the siren, loud as it is, all the more […]

He went to an in-network emergency room. He still ended up with a $7,924 bill.

By Sarah Kliff for VOX On January 28, 34-year-old Scott Kohan woke up in an emergency room in downtown Austin, Texas, with his jaw broken in two places, the result of a violent attack the night before. Witnesses called 911, which dispatched an ambulance that brought him to the hospital while he was unconscious. “The […]