The Healthcare Bait-and-Switch: From the Clintons to Obama and Back Again

By Glen Ford for Black Agenda Report “Cory Booker and others are joining the pro-single payer bandwagon to weaken it from the inside.” On the campaign trail in January of 2016, Hillary Clinton told Iowa voters that Bernie Sanders’ single payer health care proposal was an idea whose time would never come. “People who have health […]

Democrats’ New Medicare-for-All Plan Isn’t

By Joan Brunwasser for Joan Brunwasser: My guest today is Dr. Margaret Flowers, a pediatrician from Maryland who is co-director of Popular Resistance and coordinator of Health Over Profit for Everyone Campaign. Welcome back to OpEdNews, Margaret. Joan Brunwasser: Your most recent piece [2.25.18] in OpEdNews is entitled: A Proposal Designed to Confuse Public and […]